Somebody please tell me why am I not in fashion school, or studying something related. I practically live for fashion and it's all I care about, which results in the my horrible grades this parents aren't going to be pleased....all they will say is that I'm distracted by the dear BF, but that's not true, truth is, I spend way more time on fashion websites, blogs and reading fashion magazines than I do studying (yes guilty) , however I do and did try in school. Perhaps not hard enough since I really could not tear myself from the fashion world and completely immense myself into my studies. What my parents need to realize is that I do try in school, very hard indeed, perhaps I would try even harder if it was something I loved. All they'll say when they hear about my grades is how I'm not trying hard enough, if losing 10 lbs over exam week is not a result of being stressed and studying hard, I don't know what to say.
"Oh why did you lose weight Laura?" my mom asked when I last visited. "You look horrible now, eat more." Frankly I like my new weight and I'm happy with my body. The only thing I'm not happy with is my grades and I don't even know how to tell my parents. My grades aren't all THAT bad, it's just not as good as they used to be or not up to my parents standards (straight As), but it's my first year in Uni, obviously my grades would not be as good as they were in high school. Last thing I need right now is to get into another fight with my mom, especially since it's 2 weeks before her birthday...and right now, I really don't think I deserve the Barcelona and Madrid trip that my mom was planning, nor the watch that she plans to buy me for my birthday in August.
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